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LifeRing Secular Recovery (LSR) is a democratically structured organization run by and for its members. LSR is focused on three guiding principles:

Sobriety. “Sobriety” can mean different things in dictionaries, but in LifeRing it always means abstinence. The basic membership requirement is a desire to remain abstinent from alcohol and “drugs.” LifeRing welcomes people regardless of their “drug of custom.” Please look elsewhere for support if your intention is to keep drinking or using, but not so much, or to stop drinking but continue using, or stop using but continue drinking. The successful LifeRing participant practices the Sobriety Priority, meaning that nothing is allowed to interfere with staying abstinent from alcohol and “drugs.” The motto is “we do not drink or use, no matter what.”

Secularity. LifeRing Recovery welcomes people of all faiths and none. You get to keep whatever religious beliefs you have, and you are under no pressure to acquire any if you don’t. Participants’ spiritual or religious beliefs or lack thereof remains private. Neither religion nor anti-religion normally comes up in meeting discussion. Participants are free to attend both LifeRing and Twelve-Step meetings, but LifeRing supports recovery methods that rely on human efforts rather than on divine intervention.

Self-Help. Self-help in LifeRing means that the key to recovery is the individual’s own motivation and effort. The main purpose of the group process is to reinforce the individual’s own inner strivings to stay clean and sober. LifeRing is a permanent workshop where individuals can build their own Personal Recovery Plans. LifeRing does not prescribe any particular “steps” other than abstinence and is not a vehicle for any particular therapeutic doctrine. LifeRing participation is compatible with a wide variety of abstinence-based therapeutic or counseling programs.

We are an autonomous group, not controlled by any organization or by any institution. By choice, we are affiliated with other LifeRing Secular Recovery groups. We are free to shape our meetings to fit our own needs and wishes.

If you're looking for support with your recovery, we invite you to join us. If our limited meeting schedule does not fit with yours, you may want to consider joining our email support lists or online chats (this link will take you to the chat site operated by LSR).

Some useful online resources:

The ad hoc national site is LifeRing Secular Recovery. It's a lively site, updated regularly, with lots of readings, discussion groups, links to other sites focusing on recovery and secularity, and generally helpful information on addiction and recovery.